Once again, I couldnt help myself frm being off task in completg d ASSignments. Yup, as a teacher-to-be, I really need to work on my spelling. So, from now onwards, let's spell words correctly and of course, nicely. First of all, I would like to congratulate my mum with a big, fat hug for her infinity love and effort to raise a cute, little me till who am I right now. You are the most wonderful best friend I ever had.
Honestly, somehow I feel like blaming myself for ruining her tremendous effort in building up a strong basis of Islam in my life. Definitely, it's all rooted from me, my-so-called-stupid-self. Even my own self could hardly accept the fact that "I am not who I was", how on earth could you forgive me, my dear mum? I am glad to be at this state-of-reflecting-on-my-wrong-doings. Don't you? Thank you Allah, it's our pleasure to seek for Your forgiveness. Dear beloved readers, from this moment, let us be thankful to the one and only, almighty creator, Allah SWT, for giving us the opportunity to keep breathing regardless how sinful we are. Alhamdulillah. Remember guys, Allah will not change who we are if ourselves don't bother to put an effort in changing it. So, we ARE the agent of change of our own miserable life. May Allah bless us.